Not Alone

Commissioned by Co-operatives UK in 2016 with the financial support of Unity Trust Bank and the Wales Co-op Centre, and written by Pat Conaty, Alex Bird and Philip Ross.

This research report and the deliberative inquiry underpinning it have been sponsored jointly by Co operatives UK, the Wales Co-operative Centre and Unity Trust Bank. Additional sponsorship in kind was provided by the TUC for a full day London conference. The researchers are grateful for participation in this deliberative inquiry by many contributors and in particular to those referred to in the report who assisted through telephone interviews and other evidence provided in the workshops at the conference on 17 July 2015 at TUC Congress House.
We would also like to thank those who gave written evidence to the work of the inquiry and assisted in the preparation of the final report. This collaboration has been invaluable and we are most grateful to:
Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation); Andrew Bibby; Glenn Bowen (Wales Co operative Centre); Professor Andrew Burke; Bob Cannell (SUMA); Donna Coyle (Wales Co- operative Centre); Ben Dellot (RSA); Matt Dykes (TUC); Kate Elliott (BECTU); Stuart Field (Radical Routes); Madeleine Gabriel (NESTA); Christophe Guene (KreditUnion); Anca Ionescu (RICOL); Elaine Jones (WIEGO); Alan Lean (Equity); Ed Mayo (Co-operatives UK); Professor Robin Murray; Dave Nicholson (Co-operative and Mutual Solutions); Matthew Parson (Altgen); Anna Plowdowski (Greenmarque); Bruno Roelants (CECOP CICOPA – Europe); Cilla Ross (The Co-operative College); Professor Tony O’Rourke; Professor Claudia Sanchez Bajo; Derek Walker (Wales Co operative Centre); Erika Watson (Greenwell Consulting)
Diane Widdison (Musicians’ Union).
Lastly we would like to thank the other members of our research team, Steve Bendle and Rosemary Foggitt, who assisted with the interviewing work with Business and Enterprise Co operatives (BECs) in France and with translation of material. Their editing work on the final report and assistance with illustrations and with Section 7 has been a major contribution.

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